Make’s Top 10 Products of 2021

make’s top 10 products of 2021

10. Fiskars Norden Cookware

9. Amabro Two Tone Vases

8. Kaweco Pens

7. Gingko Smart Baton Lights

6. Bison BT Cut Glass Tumblers

5. Rosendahl Ra Grinders

4. Omnio Util Buckets

3. Rosendahl Soft Spot Lamps

2. Andree Jardin CLYNK Series

1. David Trubridge Lighting

It’s time for the 10th annual Make Top 10 Products of the Year!

This year we’ve added 1521 products to the collection.

After intense discussion between Make staff followed by secret voting (each staff member selected their top 10 in order with 1st place being awarded 10 points down to 10th place being awarded 1 point) these are our favourite products of 2021.