Make’s New Website

  make’s new website   12.02.2016

After three years of thinking, planning, coding, collating, cropping, writing and generally living it, we launched Make’s new website yesterday afternoon.

A large part of the thinking lay in creating a site that was more than simply a place where people could buy well designed stuff. We wanted to be able to incorporate original content and allow that content to be shared. The old website had a blog with articles ranging from design quotes to architectural musings to news about the store to new product information but in the way of much of the old web it was siloed in a blog which was effectively off-site. Lots of people said they liked the blog but only 10% of visitors to the site ever actually found it and sadly it went into hibernation whilst we worked on this place.

The new site still has a dedicated blog page but this time articles can also be fully integrated into the home page, brand pages, designer pages or specially curated pages of product or particluar interests.

And if you like to share then by all means share – this site is easily shared on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook and we’ll be far more active in those spaces now that the infrastructure’s in place.

Best of all this site is extremely mobile and tablet friendly. Flick from one device to another, portrait to landscape and the site will reorder itself to accomodate your device.

We’ll probably keep tinkering and tweaking as we go so if there’s anything you’d like to see incorporated into the site please let us know.


Pat Coppel